The Republic of
Amerada is covered by many newspapers. Amerada, has in the past had
many newspapers, but has since then dwindled themselves down to just
a few. Currently, the main Amerada based newspapers, are the
Washburn Broadcasting Service, and the Micronational Free Press (formerly
the Los Antréal Times-Journal). Amerada is also covered by the Nut.
Amerada has simulated newspapers as well,
many of which actually published articles in the past, but none
publish articles any more.
-Amerada Wall Street and Mail -New
Onto Times-Star -Los Antréal
Times-Journal -Chicouver Tribune-Sun -Washiawa
Post-Citizen -San Franton
Chronicle-Journal -Philadgary
Inquirer-Herald -Bosbec Globe-Journal -Detipeg
Free Press -Dallton Morning Spectator -Houdon
Chronicle-Press -Atlener
Constitution-Record -Mierines
Herald-Standard -Seatifax Times-Herald -Phooria
New Columbia Colonist -Clevesor Plain
Star -Minneawa Star-Week -San
Datoon Union-Phoenix -St. Lina Post -Denohn's
Lakes Colony Telegram -Pittsutimi
Post-Quotidien -Tabury Times-Star -Portrooke
Geordian Tribune -Cincivières
Enquirer-Nouvelliste -Kansaohn
Star-Globe -Sacreer Bay Bee-Journal -Canusa
Sun WBS Television affiliates AWBS
ANON (New Onto)
ACTV (Chicouver)
ASFN (San Franton)
APTV (Philadgary)
ABTV (Bosbec)
ADTV (Detipeg)
ADFN (Dallton)
AHTV (Houdon)
AATV (Atlener)
AMTV (Mierines)
ASTV (Seatifax)
APNC (Phooria)
ACPN (Clevesor)
AMNC (Minneawa)
ASLN (St. Lina)
ADOS (Denohn's)
APVN (Pittsutimi)
ATTV (Tabury)
APGI (Portrooke)
ACVN (Cincivières)
AKTV (Kansaohn)
ASBN (Sacreer Bay)
AGTV (Getrid)
ARTV (Recos) Radio Affiliates AWNC
(Washiawa-New Onto-Cincivières)
ACSB (Chicouver-Sacreer Bay)
ASFR (San Franton)
APDN (Philadgary-Detipeg)
ABRN (Bosbec)
ADHN (Dallton-Houdon)
AATN (Atlener-Tabury)
AMRN (Mierines)
ASRN (Seatifax)
APRN (Phooria)
ACKN (Clevesor-Kansaohn)
AMNR (Minnewa)
ASLR (St. Lina)
ADRN (Denohn's)
APNR (Pittsutimi)
APGN (Portrooke)
ARGN (Recos-Getrid)